Guadalupe County Engineer

Guadalupe County Engineer

The County Engineer directly oversees the Road & Bridge and Environmental Health departments and works with Commissioners Court, other county departments, and the public to define and solve problems by providing civil engineering expertise. The County Engineer also supervises and directs the planning, design, and construction of county infrastructure projects, assures that infrastructure provided by the private sector for public use meets acceptable criteria for maintenance acceptance, and offers technical input on Road & Bridge construction practices and solutions to constructability issues.

Additionally, the County Engineer develops and recommends policy and regulations within the limited statutory authority established by the State of Texas to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. This includes overseeing the administration of floodplain, septic, and subdivision regulations, 911 addressing, and permitting of driveways and work performed within county right-of-way as well as implementation of the county thoroughfare plan.

Finally, the County Engineer represents the county on regional task forces and boards that relate to official capacity and special projects and coordinates with federal, state, and local agencies and utility providers.


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