Juvenile Services


Welcome to the Juvenile Services website. We hope that your experience on this website provides you with the information, resources and contacts for you to know more about our department and how we serve the citizens of Guadalupe County. If you do not receive the information that you were seeking, please contact us directly for additional help or assistance!

Our department directly serves first and foremost the citizens of our county by providing community safety and security from juveniles who have committed offenses. Critical in that goal are the services, supervision and programs that we provide to the juveniles and their families towards the goals of living positive, pro-social lives. The vast majority of juvenile offenders remain in Guadalupe County and we therefore must work diligently with them to be successful in our community.

  • When A Child Breaks The Law

    A child who breaks the law in Texas may enter a complex world of procedures, places and people called the juvenile justice system.

    In Texas the ages of juvenile justice jurisdiction are 10 through 16. The handling of juveniles is strictly regulated by state law, but juvenile probation is locally administered at the county level.

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