Debt Claims

Debt Claim Form (pdf)

A debt claim case is a lawsuit brought to recover a debt by an assignee of a claim, a debt collector or collection agency, a financial institution, or a person or entity primarily engaged in the business of lending money at a\interest. The claim can be for no more than $20,000 excluding statutory interest and court costs but including attorney fees, if any. (Governed by Rules 500-507 and 508 of Part V of the Rules of Civil Procedure. To the extent of any conflict between Rule 508 and the rest of Part V, Rule 508 applies).

Filing a Debt Claim Information Sheet (pdf)

When a debt claim has been filed against you (pdf)

Defendants Answer (pdf)

Demand for Jury (pdf)

Appeal Bond (pdf)

Statement of Inability to Afford Court Costs (pdf)

Motion for Dismissal (pdf)

Certificate of Last Known Address (pdf)

Document Fee Schedule

Document Title

Filing Fee (1)

Issuance Fee (2)

Service Fee (3)

Debt Claim Petition $54.00 N/A $90.00
Eviction Petition $54.00 N/A $90.00
Abstract of Judgment (per page) $5.00 N/A N/A
Subpoena (plus $10 attached to the summons for each witness) N/A N/A $90.00
Repair and Remedy Petition $54.00 N/A $90.00
Small Claim Petition $54.00 N/A $90.00
Writ of Execution N/A $5.00 $275.00
Writ of Garnishment $54.00 $5.00 $275.00
Writ of Possession (per hour) N/A N/A $95.00
Writ of Restoration of Utility Service $54.00 $5.00 $90.00
Writ of Re-Entry $54.00 $5.00 $85.00
Writ of Retrieval $54.00 N/A $90.00

(1)"Filing Fees" are charged per case filed, not by the number of persons/parties named in the lawsuit or claim.

(2)"Issuance Fees” are charged per post-judgment writ issued

(3)"Service Fees" must be multiplied by the number of person/parties to be served. The above quoted service fee amount is for service by Guadalupe County Constables. The cost of service by other agencies my differ.

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